Thursday, August 26, 2010

First week of class - done!

So, the day after I promise to try to post every day, I forget to make a post.  My bad.  Can I plead first week of school exhaustion?  Yeah, that's the ticket.

Anywho.  I have now attended all of my classes at least once (the Philosophy Writing Workshop only meets on Thursdays).  I've even done some homework already.  I've got all my file folders labelled to keep my papers from the different classes straight.  And, later tonight, I'm going to go through and put all the due dates and stuff into a calendar format so I don't get too confused about what's due and when.  Yay for me, right?

I'm getting a little nervous about the sheer amount of work that I'm going to have to do this semester.  That's partially the reason for the calendar, which isn't something I always use.  The amount of reading and writing is a bit daunting, mostly in light of the fact that these are the first real philosophy papers I'm having to write and I'm anxious to do a good job on them.  That means that my previous method of tossing off papers for English Comp the night before isn't going to cut it anymore.  But I knew that was coming, and I've kissed that freedom goodbye already.

I'm excited about the things that I'm going to learn this year.  And I'm feeling pretty good about my native intelligence.  I had two professors this week (neither of whom are actually teaching me) compliment my intelligence and the types of comments that I tend to make.  So that made me feel pretty good.  I just know that organization is going to be key this semester, and even though that's one of my strongest talents, I worry.  Maybe that's because my other strongest talent is procrastination.  I hear that perfectionists are prone to that, and I am a bit of a perfectionist, in heart if not always in execution.  Sometimes if I think I'm not going to be able to do the job I want to do on something I get depressed and just half-ass it to get it over with.

Here's to not doing that this semester, huh?  Keep your fingers crossed for me.

1 comment:

  1. Just keep on keepin' on, and I'm sure you'll be fine.
